Graham Smith's profile

Symphony For a Dream

Symphony For a Dream (2012)


Well this has been a long time coming.... 3 years, so not ages but still long enough!

So, a Symphony... big stuff yeah? Well this isn't your classic symphony really. Yes it has 3 movements, and yes it sounds alright and stuff, but in terms of your average, everyday sit down with a cup of coffee and listen to your favourite symphony... this probably isn't one of them.

So why am I writing it then. Simple, because I want to! These ideas pop into my head and BOOM, they are being played and scored and visualised on the computer! 

Interesting facts about this symphony, if you wanna know them:

1: Even though it is evident from the sounds it is all recorded electronically; i.e. no humans have actually played this, and it was written with this in mind! 
2: Most symphonies are split into 3 movements. The convention is for the first movement to be FAST, the second to be SLOW and the third to be FAST. This symphony ignores that convention and goes SLOW/ MODERATO/ MODERATO. 
3: The piece took 3 years to complete from start to finish (lucky I had the time to do it).

4. The second movement was the first piece written followed by the first then the third.
Symphony for a Dream: Movement I, Swimming in Clouds.


The album cover: Designed and created by Alex Parkinson (2011)
So that was Movement 1, The blend between choir and strings is lovely... one of my favourite set of sounds.

Anyway, moving onto Movement II: Memories.
Movement II is a combination of three main motifs that I wrote in 2009. The main motif at the end is from one of my favourite pieces 'No Words Just Love'.

Next up is Movement III, a piece written in a very short space of time. It took me less than 24 hours to write this from start to finish... hence why it sounds a little rushed, but the sound grew on me and I didn't want to change it from there.

So please enjoy Movement III: Awakening 
Well, I hope you have enjoyed the music and if you want to get in touch with me about these pieces or want more information about composing please follow the contact details below.

Symphony For a Dream

Symphony For a Dream

This is a symphony written by me for personal enjoyment, but wanted to share it. Hope you enjoy it!
